
September Bird Banding Trip Sept 23 great fun!

Check out the slide show to the left on this page.

Also, check out more photos taken by Dawn Brownlee-Tomasso on the
Caroline County Bird Club Facebook page

And stay tuned for more fabulous photos taken by Danny Poet!

Also check out Chester River Field Research Station's Facebook page  - the formal name of the bird banding center at Chino Farms - 


Sept 9 Camp Todd Bird Walk provided good birding and turtle watching

The camp was bustling with Girl Scout leaders getting training that day. The weather was lovely.

Bird highlights

Great blue heron
Great crested flycatcher
Chipping sparrow
Tufted Titmouse
Mockingbird (imm)
Green heron (hummingbird chasing it)
Red-bellied woodpecker
Downy woodpecker
American crow
Fish crow
Turkey vulture
Carolina wren
Blue jay

Not sure about the turtles - perhaps a red-bellied cooter (very large) and two river cooters

Lots of interesting fungi especially along the lake trail.

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