This afternoon the first Pine Siskin in two years showed up at my feeder. Feisty little fellow! The reason I saw him was that he was the only one on the thistle feeder that did not fly away when I walked past the window. (All the Goldfinches scattered frantically.)
Yesterday morning my driveway birds included Chipping Sparrows, White-crowned Sparrow, Towhee, Purple Finch (2), and Blue-headed Vireo. Red-breasted Nuthatches have been here all month.
At the Easton WWTP yesterday the "new-arrival" ducks included Ruddies (90), Greater Scaup (5) and Bufflehead (1). Along the trail to the river the highlights were G-C and R-C Kinglets, Swamp Sparrow, Field Sparrow, Brown Thrasher and Marsh Wren (2).
Les Roslund
Talbot County
Easton MD 21601