
Next two meetings

At the Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market Street, Denton, MD - Large meeting room at 7:30 PM

All activities are free and open to the public

Thursday, March 20 ­ Meeting. Jared Parks of Eastern Shore Land Conservancy presents “Land Preservation on the Eastern Shore.”

Thursday, April 17 ­ Meeting. Jim Rapp, Executive Director of Delmarva Low-Impact Tourism Experiences(DLITE) presents “What is Delmarva LITE and why is it good for the Eastern Shore”. He will also tell us about the Delmarva Birding Weekend to be help April 23-27 with events happening all over the shore, including Caroline County.


Congratulations to Harry Armistead!

Ferry Neck's own birder-extraordinaire is the subject of a wonderful
feature article: "Harry at every Tern" by Pat Valdata, which appears
in the March 2008 issue of Chesapeake Bay Magazine. Received mine in
today's mail, so it must be hot off the press.

Turn to Page 55 for a full page photo of Harry at his classic best.... with
bug shirt, birds and binoculars.

The note above was forwarded from Paul and Priscilla Thut (Members of Talbot
County Chapter of MOS) to Les Roslund.

Note: Many of us have had the opportunity to bird with Harry at Blackwater Wildlife Refuge over the years.

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