A number of Savannah Sparrows were also in the flock of birds on Sparks road .
Danny Poet
The oldest Eastern Shore chapter of Maryland Ornithological Society Established in 1951
121 | |
Wood Duck | 39 |
American Black Duck | 4 |
Mallard | 88 |
Wild Turkey | 51 |
Northern Bobwhite | 10 |
Double-crested Cormorant | 50 |
Great Blue Heron | 44 |
Great Egret | 2 |
Snowy Egret | 3 |
Cattle Egret | 10 |
Green Heron | 8 |
Glossy Ibis | 2 |
Black Vulture | 34 |
Turkey Vulture | 175 |
Osprey | 36 |
Bald Eagle | 14 |
Sharp-shinned Hawk | 2 |
Cooper’s Hawk | 2 |
Red-tailed Hawk | 13 |
American Kestrel | 3 |
Virginia Rail | 1 |
Black-bellied Plover | 26 |
Semipalmated Plover | 2 |
Killdeer | 81 |
Spotted Sandpiper | 18 |
Solitary Sandpiper | 8 |
Greater Yellowlegs | 21 |
Lesser Yellowlegs | 16 |
Least Sandpiper | 22 |
Wilson’s Snipe | 5 |
American Woodcock | 2 |
Laughing Gull | 678 |
Bonaparte’s Gull | 2 |
Ring-billed Gull | 26 |
Herring Gull | 12 |
Least Tern | 3 |
Common Tern | 4 |
Forster’s Tern | 4 |
Rock Pigeon | 105 |
Mourning Dove | 134 |
Yellow-billed Cuckoo | 4 |
Black-billed Cuckoo | 1 |
Eastern Screech Owl | 3 |
Great Horned Owl | 4 |
Barred Owl | 7 |
Common Nighthawk | 2 |
Chuck-will's-widow | 1 |
Whip-poor-will | 3 |
Chimney Swift | 446 |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird | 17 |
Belted Kingfisher | 5 |
Red-bellied Woodpecker | 36 |
Downy Woodpecker | 19 |
Hairy Woodpecker | 4 |
Northern Flicker | 12 |
Pileated Woodpecker | 18 |
Eastern Wood-Pewee | 48 |
Acadian Flycatcher | 9 |
Least Flycatcher | 1 |
Eastern Phoebe | 16 |
Great-crested Flycatcher | 88 |
Eastern Kingbird | 29 |
White-eyed Vireo | 23 |
Warbling Vireo | 1 |
Red-eyed Vireo | 40 |
Blue Jay | 73 |
American Crow | 173 |
Fish Crow | 18 |
Horned Lark | 212 |
Purple Martin | 149 |
Tree Swallow | 68 |
N. Rough-winged Swallow | 19 |
Barn Swallow | 165 |
Carolina Chickadee | 47 |
Tufted Titmouse | 68 |
White-breasted Nuthatch | 7 |
Carolina Wren | 75 |
House Wren | 17 |
Marsh Wren | 2 |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | 7 |
Eastern Bluebird | 102 |
Hermit Thrush | 5 |
Wood Thrush | 23 |
American Robin | 383 |
Gray Catbird | 38 |
Northern Mockingbird | 93 |
Brown Thrasher | 31 |
European Starling | 718 |
Cedar Waxwing | 53 |
Northern Parula | 4 |
Yellow Warbler | 5 |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | 1 |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | 5 |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | 9 |
Pine Warbler | 13 |
Prairie Warbler | 5 |
Palm Warbler | 1 |
Blackpoll Warbler | 1 |
Black-and-white Warbler | 8 |
American Redstart | 4 |
Prothonotary Warbler | 10 |
Worm-eating Warbler | 4 |
Ovenbird | 46 |
Louisiana Waterthrush | 2 |
Kentucky Warbler | 3 |
Common Yellowthroat | 39 |
Yellow-breasted Chat | 15 |
Summer Tanager | 14 |
Scarlet Tanager | 3 |
Eastern Towhee | 23 |
Chipping Sparrow | 126 |
Field Sparrow | 36 |
Vesper Sparrow | 6 |
Savannah Sparrow | 2 |
Grasshopper Sparrow | 11 |
Song Sparrow | 19 |
White-throated Sparrow | 6 |
Northern Cardinal | 150 |
Blue Grosbeak | 38 |
Indigo Bunting | 112 |
Bobolink | 33 |
Red-winged Blackbird | 582 |
Eastern Meadowlark | 2 |
Common Grackle | 460 |
Brown-headed Cowbird | 136 |
Orchard Oriole | 38 |
Baltimore Oriole | 34 |
House Finch | 41 |
American Goldfinch | 101 |
House Sparrow | 199 |
Total Individuals | 132 |
Species Total | 7612 |