Thursday, April 21 – Caroline County Bird Club program about the Maryland Wood Duck Initiative presented by John Chew.
Time and Place: 7:30 PM, Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market St., Denton.
Please join us to learn about the Maryland Wood Duck Initiative. Presenter, John Chew is an Advisory Director of MWDI and manages the Conquest Farms and Bloomfield Farms Wood Duck projects in Queen Anne’s County.
The Maryland Wood Duck Initiative is an all-volunteer wildlife conservation effort started in late 2004. MWDI’s mission is to enhance Maryland’s Wood Duck population and to generate a greater appreciation of the wetland habitats in which they live by advocating and demonstrating a “Best Practices” approach in artificial nest box programs. Educational and other youth oriented activities which complement the “Total Wetland Experience” are increasingly being incorporated into their projects.
All Caroline County Bird Club events are activities are free and open to the public.
For more information about the club, go to:
For more information about MWDI, go to: