
Caroline County Bird Club March 19, 2015 program Update of the Maryland Next 10 Bird Species List presented by Phil Davis

Thursday, March 19   Phil Davis will give an update of the Maryland Next 10 Bird Species List.

7:30 PM, Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market St., Denton.

What is Maryland’s Next Species  List?

 Periodically, the editors of the Maryland Yellowthroat have polled a number of Maryland birders to determine which species they predicted would be the next to be observed in our state. This presentation provides an update to the latest survey, indicating which species have since been recorded in the state, which ones are currently under review by the MD/DC Records Committee, and which ones are still predicted. For the still-predicted species, field identification is discussed, including key field marks with particular emphasis on how to separate similar species. This multi-media presentation includes both images and vocalizations. Tips on where and when to look are also covered.

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