
Caroline County Bird Club hosting a Big Sit October 8, 2016 at Martinak State Park

NOTE:  We are keeping an eye on Hurricane Matthew.  If it is raining heavily on Saturday, we will cancel.

Caroline County Bird Club invites everyone to its Big Sit!
DATE:  October 8, 2016
WHERE:  Martinak State Park's first picnic area on right
TIMES:  6:30 am – 8:00 pm

The Big Sit! is an annual bird-a-thon in that the object is to tally as many bird species as can be seen or heard within 24 hours. The difference lies in the area limitation from which you may observe.   It is free and sponsored by Bird Watcher’s Digest.

·       We will have a 17-foot diameter (circle) marked around X.
·       There will be Caroline County Bird Club members participating with a team leader.
·       This is free and open to the public.  The more the merrier! Bring binoculars and scopes if you have them.  Bring some chairs. Bring food and drinks.  Stay as long as you like!
·       Passers-by are welcome!
·       Observations can only be made from within our pre-determined 17-foot (diameter) circle.
·       If a bird is seen or heard from within the circle but is too distant to identify, the circle can be left to get a closer look/listen to confirm the bird's identity. However, any new bird species seen or heard while confirming the original, can't be counted unless it's seen or heard from an "anchor" who stayed behind in our circle, or is seen by you when you return to your circle.
·       The group leader will make sure sightings are within the designated area (or flew over it).
·       We will keep a list and tally the number of species that we observe.

·       For every species seen, the Caroline County Bird Club will donate a dollar.  We ask for others to pledge as well.
·       Proceeds will go to the Martinak & Tuckahoe State Park’s Scales and Tales Program.

This event is co-sponsored by Martinak State Park



Caroline County Bird Club's Fall 2016 schedule

All our events are free and open to the public!  Please join us!

Saturday, September 10 , 2016.  Bird Migration Walk. Adkins Arboretum.  Leader:  Wayne Bell. 
8 am - 10 am
This program revised, combining our scheduled walk with that of Adkins Arboretum.

Thursday, September 15, 2016.  Program. Member's favorite bird photos.
7:30 PM, Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market St., Denton.

Saturday, September 17, 2016. Fall Bird Count.   Contact Debby Bennett at dabennett1996@gmail.com.

Sunday, September 25 , 2016 . Trip.  Bird Banding observation in Chestertown.  Jim Gruber, Bander.  8:00 AM.  Great for kids.  Adults welcome too. To register and for directions, contact Danny Poet at (410)827-8651 or birder231@hotmail.com. 

Saturday, October 8, 2016 .  Caroline.  Big Sit.  Location:  Martinak State Park.  Location:  first picnic area on the Right (picnic area A).    Will run from early morning to early evening for some owling.  
Everyone welcome!  Bring a chair, food, drinks, binoculars and a spotting scope, if you have one.
Come anytime during the day and stay as long as you want.

Saturday, October 15, 2016.   Bird Walk at Tuckahoe State Park. Leader:  Danny Poet.  Meet at Queen Anne’s side parking lot near boat ramp at 8 am. 

Thursday, October 20, 2016.  Program.  Dana Limpert presents An Update on white-nose syndrome and bat populations in Maryland.
7:30 PM, Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market St., Denton. 

Saturday, November 5, 2016. Trip to Bombay Hook.  Danny Poet and Debby Bennett leaders. Meet at Denton Walmart parking lot at 7:30 am to car pool.

Thursday, November  17, 2016. Program.  Rescheduled from September -
 Eli Anders presents a program on his Hog Island Field Ornithology/Coastal Maine Bird Studies for Teens camp experience.
7:30 PM, Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market St., Denton. 

Saturday, December 17, 2016. Christmas Bird Count. Coordinator:  Steve Westre.   (410)479-0338 or swestre26@comcast.net                                                                           
For more information about birding and the Caroline County Bird Club, go to:  http://carolinebirdclubmos.blogspot.com

And don't forget to visit our Facebook page and Like us!  Just go to Caroline County Bird Club!


Shorebirds found in Caroline County, Maryland May 17, 2016

Danny Poet and Steve Westre found the following on May 17, 2016 in Caroline County

Knifebox Rd and Whites Lane southeast of Greensboro

Black Bellied plover  79
Dunlin     35
Semipalmated Plover  21
Short billed Dowitcher    52
Greater Yellowlegs 7
Lesser Yellowlegs  7
Least Sandpiper  7
Ruddy Turnstone    2
Laughing Gull     9
Barn Swallow  1
Tree Swallow    8
Purple Grackle 2

Danny also found the following

Another puddle on Knife Box across the road from Mail box 12131

Glossy Ibis    2
Greater Yellowlegs     14
Lesser Yellowlegs        3
Mallard       1
Great Blue Heron     1
American Crow    2

A puddle near Ridgely on Sparks Road  east of intersection of  Mason Branch Road

1 Solitary Sandpiper


Caroline County Bird Club Pelot Sanctuary cleanup April 2, 2016

As part of Project Clean Stream Day,  the  Caroline County Bird Club will be holding a garbage cleanup of the Myrtle Simon Pelot  Sanctuary and nearby area  on Saturday, April 2  in conjunction with the Friends of Gravelly Branch. 

All volunteers welcome!  Dress appropriately and bring work gloves if possible.

This sanctuary was purchased in 1972 using a bequest to the Maryland Ornithological Society from Mrs. Myrtle Pelot of Ridgely, MD. It is approximately 60 acres of deciduous swamp forest varying from 9 to 20 feet above sea level.

Originally the land was part of an old mill property with Draper Mill Road forming the dam, which impounded Gravelly Branch. The dam washed out in 1937, and the rich pond sediments now support a thriving forest. It is located in the Red Bridges area of the Choptank River, an area that local birders have enjoyed for years. Pelot Sanctuary is an oasis for flowers, birds, and other fauna in the midst of a predominantly agricultural area.

A marked trail begins at the sanctuary sign and there is a rest area with benches approximately 200 yards in on the left. There is parking  along the road near the bridge.

  • From Rt 313 in Greensboro, turn east onto Whiteleysburg Rd (Rt 314).
  • Left on Wothers Rd, then Right on Boyce Mill Rd.
  • Left on Drapers Mill Road - look for sanctuary sign on the right.


Caroline County Bird Club's Winter - Spring 2016 Schedule

All our programs and birding events are free and open to the public.  Come join us!

Thursday, January 21 - Movie.  "Saving Songbirds".  Join outdoor adventurer Willem Lange as he meets those colorful and melodic migratory birds like the black-throated blue warbler, and the researchers who employ creative means to assess the health of bird populations.   
7:30 PM, Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market St., Denton.
                                                                         Photo by Danny Poet

Thursday, February 18 – Program.   “Wild Bees and the Environment” presented by Sam Droege, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.  His current research activities include work on developing native bee survey techniques and monitoring programs.    
7:30 PM, Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market St., Denton.

Thursday, March 17 – Program.  Update on Tuckahoe & Martinak State Parks along with Scales and Tales presented by Park Manager John Ohler.
7:30 PM, Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market St., Denton.

Thursday, April 21 –  Program.   “Status of the Red Knot” presented by Michael Hudson, Founder of Friends of the Red Knot.  The Red Knot was recently added as a threatened subspecies under the Endangered Species Act and was voted the 2015 “Shorebird of the Year” before this year’s World Shorebirds Day in September.
7:30 PM, Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market St., Denton.

                                                                     Photo by Bill Dalton  

Saturday, May 14 –Caroline. May Bird Count.  Contact Debby Bennett at 410-829-4952 or dabennett1996@gmail.com for more information.

Thursday, May 19 –  Program.  Members Night at Martinak State Park.  Includes a walk at dusk with Ranger Dave Reinecke.
7:30 PM, Martinak State Park Visitor’s Center.

For ongoing information, be sure to check out our Facebook Page 

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