
Shorebirds found in Caroline County, Maryland May 17, 2016

Danny Poet and Steve Westre found the following on May 17, 2016 in Caroline County

Knifebox Rd and Whites Lane southeast of Greensboro

Black Bellied plover  79
Dunlin     35
Semipalmated Plover  21
Short billed Dowitcher    52
Greater Yellowlegs 7
Lesser Yellowlegs  7
Least Sandpiper  7
Ruddy Turnstone    2
Laughing Gull     9
Barn Swallow  1
Tree Swallow    8
Purple Grackle 2

Danny also found the following

Another puddle on Knife Box across the road from Mail box 12131

Glossy Ibis    2
Greater Yellowlegs     14
Lesser Yellowlegs        3
Mallard       1
Great Blue Heron     1
American Crow    2

A puddle near Ridgely on Sparks Road  east of intersection of  Mason Branch Road

1 Solitary Sandpiper

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