
Caroline County Bird Club November 15, 2018 program on Youth Birding in Maryland

Please join the Caroline County Bird Club at our next meeting on Thursday, November 15, 2018.

Daniel and Jonathan Irons will give us a presentation on "Youth Birding in Maryland"
7:30 PM, Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market St., Denton.

Let's turn out to support our fabulous young birders!  Also, there is a rumor that there will be homemade cookies .....

All our events are free and open to the public.
For more information about the Youth Maryland Ornithlogical Society, better known as YMOS, go to https://mdbirds.org/young-birders/


Caroline County Bird Club invites you to join them at their BIG Sit! on Sunday, October 14, 2018 at Adkins Arboretum

The Big Sit will be at the AdkinAboretum's Wetlands Overlook near the Visitor Center.  

Bird Club members will be stationed there from dusk to sunset tallying as many bird species that can be seen or heard from a 17 foot diameter of the main dock area of the Wetlands Overlook. 

The Club has pledged $1.00 per bird with the proceeds to go to Adkins Arboretum.  The Club welcomes additional pledges and help with the count.  

The event is free and open to everyone.  Bring your binoculars and scopes and dress appropriately.  Bring a chair and something to eat and drink if you plan to stay a while.


Caroline County Bird Club's upcoming Fall 2018 events

Saturday, September 8, 2018.  MOS Board meeting – Easton. Caroline County Bird Club helping Talbot Bird Club host. Refreshments will be provided. 
Time and location coming soon.

Sunday, September 9, 2018.  Wayne Bell leading a Bird Walk for Adkins Arboretum.  8 am – 11 am Meet in the Arboretum parking lot at 8 am.  Directions - http://www.adkinsarboretum.org/visit_us/

Saturday, September 15, 2018. Fall Bird Count.   Contact Debby Bennett at dabennett1996@gmail.com.

Thursday, September 20, 2018.  Program. Austin K. Lester presenter. American Kestrel Nest Box program in New Castle County.
7:30 PM, Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market St., Denton.

Sunday, September 23, 2018 . Trip.  Bird Banding observation in Chestertown.  Jim Gruber, Bander.  8:00 AM.  Great for kids.  Adults welcome too. To register and for directions, contact Danny Poet at (410)827-8651 or birder231@hotmail.com. 

Sunday, October 14, 2018.  Caroline’s Big Sit.  Location: Location:  Adkins Arboretum boardwalk.  Will run from early morning to early evening for some owling.  

Thursday, October 18, 2018.  Program. Marcia Watson presenter.  “Rediscovering the MOS Sanctuaries: From Mountains to Saltmarsh”.
7:30 PM, Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market St., Denton. 

Thursday, November 15, 2018. Program. Daniel and Jonathan Irons, presenters. "Youth Birding in Maryland".
7:30 PM, Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market St., Denton. 


Caroline County Bird Club program on Gardening for Clean Water and Butterflies March 15, 2018

Come to the Caroline County Bird Club's March 15 program at the Caroline County Public Library, Denton, MD at 7:30 pm.  All our programs and events are free and open to the public.

Gardening for Clean Water and Butterflies
            Invite  butterflies and pollinators to your yard, deck, patio or balcony!  Explore  the life history of a variety of  Delmarva native  butterflies with a focus on how to invite these beneficial insects to your neighborhood.   Tips on landscaping  properties, big or small, with attractive native plants  to  support  butterfly  habitat  and help  to reduce pollution in our local  waterways.   Learn the easy steps toward creating a NWF  Certified Wildlife HabitatTM.   

            Presented by Alice Mohrman, Education Coordinator and Certified Wildlife HabitatTM  Outreach at Abbott’s Mill Nature Center, Delaware Nature Society.


Winter - Spring 2018 events for the Caroline County Bird Club

Please join us!  

All our programs and events are free and open to the public!

Thursday, January 18 – Program.  Wayne Bell and Samantha Pitts presenters. "Citizen Science at Pickering Creek: Audubon Climate Watch and eBird Monitoring."
  7:30 PM, Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market St., Denton.

Thursday, February 15 –Program. Steve Westre Presenter.  Overview of Caroline County’s Christmas Counts 1950 to the present.
7:30 PM, Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market St., Denton.

Thursday, March 15 – Program: Alice Mohrman, Education Coordinator for Abbott’s Mill Nature Center, Delaware Nature Society “Gardening for Clean water and Butterflies”
7:30 PM, Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market St., Denton.

Sunday, April 8 – Project Clean Stream clean-up day at Pelot Sanctuary.  Meet at the Sanctuary 9 am.  Where proper clothing and work gloves and if you can, bring some trash bags. Sanctuary information and directions:  http://www.mdbirds.org/sanctuary/trails.html

Thursday, April 19 –  Program.  David Curson, Director of Bird Conservation, Audubon Maryland-D.C. presenter. “Saving the Chesapeake’s Shrinking Marshes”.  He will also give an update on Maryland’s Important Bird Areas (IBAs).
7:30 PM, Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market St., Denton.

Sunday, May  6 – Bird Trip to Killen Pond State Park.   Leader:  Crystal Thomes. Bird walk & tour of the Nature Center.  Meet at the Nature Center at 8 am. 
Killens Pond State Park is located at 5025 Killens Pond Road, Felton, DE 19943.

Saturday, May 12 – Caroline May Bird Count.  Contact Debby Bennett at 410-829-4952 or dabennett1996@gmail.com for more information.

Thursday, May 17 –  Program. Ray Bryant, Presenter.  All about Tri-State Bird Rescue and Research and his adventures as a volunteer.
7:30 PM, Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market St., Denton.

For more information about birding and the Caroline County Bird Club, go to:  http://carolinebirdclubmos.blogspot.com

And don't forget to visit our Facebook page and Like us!  Just go to Caroline County Bird Club!

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