
Winter - Spring 2018 events for the Caroline County Bird Club

Please join us!  

All our programs and events are free and open to the public!

Thursday, January 18 – Program.  Wayne Bell and Samantha Pitts presenters. "Citizen Science at Pickering Creek: Audubon Climate Watch and eBird Monitoring."
  7:30 PM, Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market St., Denton.

Thursday, February 15 –Program. Steve Westre Presenter.  Overview of Caroline County’s Christmas Counts 1950 to the present.
7:30 PM, Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market St., Denton.

Thursday, March 15 – Program: Alice Mohrman, Education Coordinator for Abbott’s Mill Nature Center, Delaware Nature Society “Gardening for Clean water and Butterflies”
7:30 PM, Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market St., Denton.

Sunday, April 8 – Project Clean Stream clean-up day at Pelot Sanctuary.  Meet at the Sanctuary 9 am.  Where proper clothing and work gloves and if you can, bring some trash bags. Sanctuary information and directions:  http://www.mdbirds.org/sanctuary/trails.html

Thursday, April 19 –  Program.  David Curson, Director of Bird Conservation, Audubon Maryland-D.C. presenter. “Saving the Chesapeake’s Shrinking Marshes”.  He will also give an update on Maryland’s Important Bird Areas (IBAs).
7:30 PM, Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market St., Denton.

Sunday, May  6 – Bird Trip to Killen Pond State Park.   Leader:  Crystal Thomes. Bird walk & tour of the Nature Center.  Meet at the Nature Center at 8 am. 
Killens Pond State Park is located at 5025 Killens Pond Road, Felton, DE 19943.

Saturday, May 12 – Caroline May Bird Count.  Contact Debby Bennett at 410-829-4952 or dabennett1996@gmail.com for more information.

Thursday, May 17 –  Program. Ray Bryant, Presenter.  All about Tri-State Bird Rescue and Research and his adventures as a volunteer.
7:30 PM, Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market St., Denton.

For more information about birding and the Caroline County Bird Club, go to:  http://carolinebirdclubmos.blogspot.com

And don't forget to visit our Facebook page and Like us!  Just go to Caroline County Bird Club!

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