For three consecutive years now I have seen a prothonotary warbler drinking from my hummingbird feeder. This year I was able to get a couple of photos. I have taken to the removal of one of the four bee guards in order that he may drink. Has anyone else heard of, or witnessed this behavior before?
Mike Framptom-Price
I have not seen this warbler but I know I have seen a yellow hummingbird. I'm thinking a freak of nature because before I knew about hummingbirds and their colors, I know I saw a yellow one hovering over a water hole. My son's friend said he saw one last year around Huntertown, IN. We are going to try and get a picture of it. I grew up outside of Corunna, IN. These towns are about 20 minutes from each other. :)
I believe I saw a yellow hummingbird at my feeder in Savage, MD (Howard County) Never saw one before.
Today is May 24,2010 and i just saw a yellow humming bird outside my window. I live in Nova Scotia ,Canada
Never in my life have i ever seen one this color
I had a yellow hummingbird at my feeder last week. First time I've seen one. I'm in Indianapolis, In.
I live in Maine and saw a yellow hummingbird outside the window a couple of days ago. Never saw one that color before.
I am in Austin near Lake Travis; my feeder was visited this evening by a yellow hummingbird with dark wingtips.
August 23, 2010 - my husband said he saw a yellow throated hummingbird at our feeder this morning. I asked him if he had been drinking - we only have Ruby Throats, right?! I have to see this for myself...Traverse City, MI
I saw a tiny,vivid yellow hummingbird two weeks ago in Eastern Kansas. To date, it's the smallest hummingbird to visit this year.
I seen a yellow and black humming bird 3 times now first time was in blair indiana around 1997 and the last 2 years in irvington alabama ive tried to look it up but no information verry bright and pretty
I saw yellow and black hummingbird at my feeder in Shillington PA. Never saw one that color before.
I believe I have had a yellow
hummingbird at my house
flipping around a pretty little
thing fluttering his wings
just like a red one
I live in burlington,ontario,canada
I have a yellow bodied and black tailed hummingbird that has nested in my tree. I wanted to find out the species, but found this site instead. I live in Ft. Wayne, IN.
I was out today photographing wildflowers at a lake near my home.It is also considered to be prime habitat for local wild birds.I saw a yellow hummingbird that I disturbed when I walked up. I tried to get a video but it did not return. Anyone know of these in central Arizona?
My daughter and I both saw an actual, fluttering, drinking hummingbird on my front porch..it was eating out of one of the feeders I have hung there. It had yellow from the side of its head all the way down the wings. We were only about 3 ft away from it, and she captured it on her phone video. We live in Louisiana.
I live in Palm Desert CA and I just saw a yellow-orange hummingbird. In 10 years, I have never seen one here in the valley. We have had a very warm winter.
I wonder where they migrate from?? Anybody know?
I live in Salem, OR and I just saw my first yellow hummingbird. All yellow, no black. I looked in the bird books, and they don't show any yellow hummingbirds, so I looked online and saw this site. I found it interesting the locations they have been spotted, so I'm adding mine. :)
I live in Salem, OR and I just saw my first yellow hummingbird. All yellow, no black. I looked in the bird books, and they don't show any yellow hummingbirds, so I looked online and saw this site. I found it interesting the locations they have been spotted, so I'm adding mine. :)
I live in Salem, OR and I just saw my first yellow hummingbird. All yellow, no black. I looked in the bird books, and they don't show any yellow hummingbirds, so I looked online and saw this site. I found it interesting the locations they have been spotted, so I'm adding mine. :)
I have a yellow bodied hummingbird with green wings that came to feed on my petunias and now comes regularly to a feeder that I bought. What is amazing is the balcony is on a 14th floor condo, but I can't find out any info about its name or type.
Barbara Z
I have a yellow bodied hummingbird with green wings that came to feed on my petunias and now comes regularly to a feeder that I bought. What is amazing is the balcony is on a 14th floor condo, but I can't find out any info about its name or type.
Barbara Z
Sorry to be a buzzkill, but I suspect the reason that no one has posted a photo of an actual yellow hummingbird is that they turned out to be yellow non-hummingbirds like this warbler or poorly observed normal (non-yellow) hummingbirds. There are "orange" hummingbirds in the U.S. and Canada (adult male Rufous), the iridescent throats of some species are either yellow (Ruby Topaz of S. America) or can appear yellow from some angles (Rufous, Allen's, Ruby-throated, Anna's), and pollen can leave yellow deposits on crowns, throats and bills, but no hummingbird species anywhere in the world is entirely or predominantly yellow.
Oh, your analysis wasn't a buzzkill at all S. Williamson. I do find your conjecture to be rather insulting and dismissive. Sounds like ten minutes on wikipedia researching hummingbirds has made you an unparalleled genius.
People are seeing yellowed hummingbirds. Pollen dusting? Poor observations? Would you provide some sampling data to back up your conclusions? If only 10% of these sightings are something other than pollen-dusted birds, warblers, or etc, and are true sightings, then we clearly have something new or perhaps undiscovered on our hands potentially.
Thanks for your input though.
Extraordinary claims--in this case, a previously unknown species of hummingbird visiting feeders and gardens in densely populated, heavily studied North America--require extraordinary evidence. People report seeing Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster, too, yet no credible evidence for those cryptids has come forth despite generations of searching. People are certainly seeing something, just not what they're interpreting it to be.
If someone can produce a photo of a genuine yellow hummingbird (not photoshopped), I'll happily and humbly apologize to you and anyone else who took offense at my skepticism and help the photographer document this historic discovery for the ornithological literature.
My husband and I saw a hummingbird drinking at our feeder in Aiken S.C. yesterday. This was a hummingbird and it had a yellow crown, yellow back, yellow tail, and yellow and green wings. This was not a moth, nor a thrush. Once it fed it sat in the tree and guarded the feeder, fighting off other hummers then fed again. We were not hallucinating.
Misinterpretation is the issue, Norma, not hallucination. The iridescent colors of hummingbirds can change dramatically depending on the angle of view, the angle and quality of the light, and the condition of the feathers. I can understand how someone glimpsing a bright golden-green sheen on a brightly-lit hummingbird might interpret the color as yellow, but the bird is still objectively green.
A related issue is that color perception can differ slightly from person to person because of variations in the way the visual pigments in our retinas respond to different wavelengths of light. What I see as yellow-green might register as yellow to someone with a slight genetic variation (and that's not even taking the various forms of color blindness into account).
From the time of year and behavior, I suspect the bird you saw was an adult male Rufous, whose back and tail are extensively non-iridescent "orange." Again, I can imagine someone interpreting the faded fall plumage of a male Rufous as a shade of yellow rather than orange or rusty, especially in contrast to the deep green of a typical Ruby-throated.
Despite all the reports here and many more elsewhere, we're still waiting for photos or video of an entirely or extensively yellow hummingbird.
A yellow hummingbird, no other markings, showed up in my yard yesterday. I'm out of Post Falls Idaho, just a few miles from Spokane, Washington.
I live in El Paso, Texas, and for the last two or three years I have had a finch with a red head and also a woodpecker both help themselves to the hummingbird feeder outside my window. This is a desert and it gets very hot, but I think they really just like the sweetness in the water. They don't seem to bother the hummingbirds, but they are heavy and tilt the feeder, which causes a little bit if spilling.
Glenwood Springs, Colorado, June 16, 2014 a bright yellow hummingbird right at my window, no more than a couple of feet away, beautiful.
I have only seen one predominately black and grey white under belly bright yellow head very small it was right in my face and hovered in front of me
ak8-3-14...I have seen an almost black or very dark green hummingbird with a very predominant yellow throat the last few days at my feeder...what kind is this...I usually have ruby throats.
I saw a predominately yellow hummingbird in my yard yesterday, July 19,2015. I live in Trenton, Mi. which is about 30 minutes south of Detroit. I saw the same one last summer....two times. He is a tad larger than the ones that normally visit my feeder but the yellow covers head, body and wings. Beautiful!!
My husband just saw a yellow hummingbird at our feeder in Arbor Vitae, Wi.
My husband just saw a yellow hummingbird at our feeder in Arbor Vitae, Wi.
My husband and I have been watching a predominately yellow hummingbird at our feeder. It leaves the feeder and lands on the tree, giving us a good look at it. It is definitely a yellow hummingbird! Something we have never seen before. We are in Prescott Valley, AZ, which is in the Central Arizona mountains.
Well, here we are in June of 2016 and I need to say that all of you who are skeptical about the Yellow Throated Hummingbird are NOT hallucinating. I have one every day on my feeder and I can tell you that it's got a yellow throat. There are no plants around to provide a pollen look to make it yellow. It is a lovely yellow, not bright, but very nice in color. I have no idea why, but please know that I'm not pulling your leg when I tell you of the yellow throat. I truly am pleased to know that I'm not the only one to experience this glory!
Linda from South Carolina
i live in Great Mills, Md and just saw a yellow hummingbird perched right outside my kitchen window. It had a grey head and wings and a yellow body.
Yellow Hummingbird! Hanwell, NB, Canada!
Dan July 23, 2016 11:00am Flint, MI I had a yellow hummingbird at my feeder! At first I thought I was seeing things, but it was a yellow hummingbird!
Cambridge, WI sighting! I just bought a house way out in the country, and after the 2nd week here saw a completely yellow hummingbird! Only thing in question were the wings, looked light green? They were going so fast, it was hard to tell the wing color! The feeder is only a couple feet from my window, excellent view... didn't know they were a unicorn until I tried to look them up and found this sight... I will have to keep a camera close and hope he comes back... :)
Cambridge, WI sighting! I just bought a house way out in the country, and after the 2nd week here saw a completely yellow hummingbird! Only thing in question were the wings, looked light green? They were going so fast, it was hard to tell the wing color! The feeder is only a couple feet from my window, excellent view... didn't know they were a unicorn until I tried to look them up and found this sight... I will have to keep a camera close and hope he comes back... :)
we saw a yellow humming bird here in az. just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. frankly, as unusual and pretty i think the ruby throat ones are prettier.
I saw a yellow hummingbird in my backyard here in McAllen TX. He was slightly slimmer and smaller than our traditional hummingbird, April 23, 2018
just saw a green bodied, yellow throat humming bird at my feeder. I was within 2 feet, and of course with out a camera...South east Ohio
Im in New Orleans. There is two yellow body green winged hummingbirds that have been here for years. Every year the female lays her eggs in our bird house on my porch. Then when they hatch u can watch them take turns feeding them.
I just saw a yellow throat hummingbird st my feeder . It was not pollen It has yellow feathers. It is smaller yhen the red throat. I live in south jersey
I saw a yellow hummingbird at Acushnet Sawmill Park in Acushnet. MA.yesterday.
I just saw a yellow hummingbird at my feeder twice within a half hour I'm in NH
We're had a hummingbird with yellow on it all day today we live in extreme southern Illinois
bright yellow, small, but bigger than a hummingbird, less than 3 feet from me. for sure bright yellow, but not sure if it was a finch or hummingbird. Greenville, Tx. We have ruby throated hummers....
Gold head, black body; very small; long, narrow, curved beak; visiting Rose of Sharon this morning. Not a goldfinch or warbler. And a reminder to keep phone with me at all times, hahahaha! sk
I just seen today, a yellow and black hummingbird at my feeder here in Kansas City MO
I saw what appeared to be a yellow hummingbird today in Montgomery, Alabama. It was chased off by two blue Jays.
I just saw one this morning zooming in to my feeder in S.E. Ft. Wayne!
Okay, I'm feeling much better since I found this blog.
Today, I saw a yellow hummingbird, not once but three different times and now I've spent two hours trying to find other people who have seen the same color hummingbird.
I live in Southwest Virginia near Roanoke and I am making it my mission to sit on the front porch where the feeders are with my camera in the hope that it returns. I'm kind of ancient and grew up on a farm but never ever have I seen a yellow hummingbird.
I would appreciate any help at all in identifying the species and actual name of the yellow hummers.
I will say that it was just beautiful.
At my friends house in Shermansdale PA I have seen 3 maybe 4 yellow throated hummingbird. They definitely are hummingbirds. Unable to get name of this type any ideas.
We've had a yellow hummer at our feeder most of the summer. We've been feeding these tiny birds for decades & this is the first yellow one we've seen. He guards the feeder & acts as they normally do. We're here in Columbus, Ga & that's the truth.
On Sunday, 25 August 2019, around 0930 hrs., I closely and unmistakably observed a completely yellow hummingbird in my front yard flower garden area, then up on my porch, taking nectar from several flowers, hovering around one for 10 to 15 seconds, before it left, then returned and finally left again. Total time of observation was approximately one minute. I googled yellow hummingbird and found this blog as well as the multiple pics of all common hummingbird species and none looked like this one. We live in Chesapeake, Virginia on St. Julians Creek, a tributary of the Southern Branch of the Elizabeth River.
Just saw a yellow hummingbird on my feeder in Evansville In. Thought I was crazy.
Just saw a tiny yellow hummingbird at my feeder in very southern Minnesota on Sept. 10. Tinier with a smaller head and more slender body than the ruby throated hummers I usually see. Have never seen one before and I saw two different ones tonight that I believed were male and female because of their different coloring.
After I saw them tonight, I sat on my front porch with my camera ready, too, but they didn’t come back.
After researching, I believe this is a juvenile ruby throated hummingbird.
A yellow hummingbird was at my feeder yesterday, Monday,May 18, 2020, Greenwood, South Carolina
I just saw a yellow hummingbird and I'm in Langley b.c.
I saw a yellow throated hummingbird on my feeder yesterday. In Belton South Carolina. Trying to find out if anyone had a pic of one.
GLAD I wasn't imagining this. Lots of people have seen. If anyone has a picture love to see it. Going to try to get one.
Yellow hummingbird at my feeder, June 28, 2020 Layton, UT
Yellow hummingbird at my feeder, June 28, 2020 Layton, UT
THE ANSWER: I have video of a yellow breasted hummingbird taken yesterday in Atena, Costa Rica. Like others, when I searched, I found they don't exist. But after searching the internet for an hour, a hummingbird genius identified it as a female, purple-throated mountain gem, completely native to the area where video was taken. Only the female can have this coloration.
I glanced up from doing dishes just long enough to see the back of a hummingbird with bright yellow feathers that were glowing. It flew away before I could see much or gauge the size. It flew up to the top of a pine, then flew off. I hope it comes back again!
Albuquerque New Mexico.
I saw a yellow hummer today at my feeder on cape cod. I was trying to figure out what it was .
Hello all. I also saw a yellow hummingbird at my feeder in rural North Carolina. I will try to get a photo if it comes back.
I saw 2 yellow beautiful hummingbirds in my flower bed in, GA. 8/2020
I've been seeing an (I think) all bright yellow hummingbird at my feeders and my flowers. I'm in Cumberland Maryland. Never seen one of them before this year. It's so beautiful.
This morning I have a yellow hummingbird trying to get near my two feeders by my window. My two green hummers (I think they are female ruby throats) keep chasing it off. But it sits in the bush where I can see it still. It has a yellow back and a grey/white throat. I wish my regulars would quit chasing it away so I coukd get a better look!
I had a hummingbird at my feeder a few times today that had an iridescent yellow back and dark belly. I thought it was a trick of light but my son and I both saw it later and when it perched in a tree it looked bright yellow
Courtenay, BC Canada we have had hummingbirds coming to our feeders for years but this year we have had a yellow breasted hummingbird. I have photo from a distance it has come all summer and still here Oct. 14, 2020. Definitely not pollen as suggested on other sights. Wish I had telephoto camera.
I saw a bright yellow hummingbird this morning at my feeder in Naples,Florida. I thought it odd so I looked it up and found this blog. I have seem hummingbirds in Costa Rica and other locations but never full body yellow. I inquired with my friend who is local wildlife ecologist and she said nothing fits that description in Southwest Florida. Very elongated being more slender than hummingbirds I normally see. Waited for hours to see if it would fly back so I could take photo with no success. I know what I saw so don’t tell me it was hummer that flew through yellow paint, ok? It was solid yellow hummingbird. Rather startling to see.
I just saw a yellow humming bird at my flower garden this morning. I live in Ames Iowa. Saw very little color but yellow. Ames Ia. is in the middle Of Iowa. Do they come this far north?
I just saw a yellow hummer in Mount Holly, NC
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